1 DECEMBER 1900, page 12

The Architectural Annual, Published Under The Auspices Of...

League of America (12s. 7d.), reaches us from Philadelphia. In a country where so much building is going on as in the United States, it is to be hoped that something great and......

Theism In The Light Of Present Science And Philosophy. By

James Iverach, D.D. (Hodder and Stoughton. 65.)—Here we have the inaugural series of lectures delivered on the Charles F. Deems Foundation, in the University of New York, by......

Outlines Of Christian Dogma. By Darwell Stone, Ma. (long-...

and Co. 7s. 6d.)—Mr. Stone is certainly right when he says that "one of the great needs of the present time is accurate knowledge, on the part of those who have not opportunity......

Four Theological Books.

Christianity as an Ideal. By Rev. P. Hately Waddell. (W. Black- wood and Sons. 3s. 6d.)—There is a want of crispness about Mr. Waddell's style which makes the effect produced by......

The Love-letters Of An Englishwoman.

An Englishwoman's Love - Letters. (John Murray. 5s. net.)— These charming letters profess to be genuine, and to have been published after the death of the writer in accordance......

Evolution And Theology, And Other Essays. By Otto...

Professor of Theology in the University of Berlin. Edited by Orello Cone. (A. and C. Black. 6s.)—It is not, perhaps, quite fully realised here that the central citadel of......

An Ecclesiastical A.b.c.

The Churchman's A.B.C. : a Guide to Church Doctrine and Ritual. Drawn mainly from Authorised Sources. (James Nisbet and Co. 2s. 6d.)—This is a handy little book, of distinct......