1 DECEMBER 1961, page 14

Per Ardua Ad . . .

SIR, — ln your issue of November 17 your correspon- dent attacked the Air Ministry and claimed that it is misleading potential aircrew recruits. In support of this charge he......

Suss-public Schools Are 'supposed To 'produce Leaders For...

yet at the same time indi- viduality is almost completely Suppressed. Privacy is non-esistent. This may be all very well for junior boys, but it is ridiculous if a boy of......

Sir,—as A Simple-minded And Obviously Non- Theological...

I would be glad to know where in the account of the Last Supper, or elsewhere in the New Testament, there is authority for the idea that Holy Communion may be administered only......

Sir,—may I, A Minister In The Church Of Scotland, Whose

sympathies are as much with the Thirty-two Theologians as with the Thirty-nine Articles, say how much I appreciate Monica Furlong's article? Some years ago, an Anglican priest......

First Term

StR,—I don't think Shrewsbury was quite so awful as Brian Inglis makes it appear, nor were the boy- imposed taboos and tyrannies quite so rigidly main- tained. There was......

Uses Of Pasternak

SIR; — According to Mr Conquest, in reviewing his book about the Pasternak affair 1 suggested that no admirer of Pasternak's writing could he interested in his last days, urged......


SIR,—Mr. Laurens Otter toys with a vain hope when he so patronisingly speaks of easing the return of dissenters to the Anglican Communion after it has obtained communion with......

Share My Chalice

always read Monica Furlong's articles on the Church with interest, often with amusement, and not infrequently with disagreement, But when she said in the correspondence column......