1 DECEMBER 1990, page 29

Social Intercourse

Sir: Taki claims (10 November) that I went to Prague with him and John Bastias to pursue girls. What rot. Clio — with whom Taki had a brief platonic flirtation before succumbing......

Venal Virus

Sir: Too many of the ills that threaten medical omniscience are being put down to `a virus' (Letters, 24 November). These are then dealt with by antibiotics. Is not this where......

Word Power

Sir: To find out what `subsidiarity' is, Sandra Barwick (` "I want to see the Kingdom of God" ', 24 November) need look no further than her own text: it is a `commitment to......

Stop Swanking

Sir: The BBC's John Simpson seems un- happy that he didn't get to talk with Saddam Hussein while ITN's Trevor McDonald did (17 November). The fact is that ITN got their......

Wouldn't Credit It

Sir: I think that Nicholas Luard and Christopher Fildes have erred in point of etymology (City and Suburban, 17 Novem- ber) by claiming that 'credit' means 'he believes it'. I......

Sir: In Reply To Valerie O'farrell And James Corin (letters,

24 November), can I respond as a member of the medical profession (retired)? Long before viruses were discovered and viral illnesses became fashionable — no- body has a cold any......

Letters Back To Normal?

Sir: Your normally astute political com- mentators all appeared to part company with their common sense in last week's issue. Your own editorial laid the blame for Mrs......