1 JANUARY 1994, page 19

Letters A Serious Matter

Sir: People often use the expression 'a storm in a teacup' when referring to some event which they believe has been blown up out of all proportion. In other words, they are......

No Rubber Stamp

Sir: Your correspondent, Nicholas Mostyn (Letters, 20 November), refers dismissively in his letter to 'parents simply obtaining a rubber stamp to their private arrangement by a......


Sir: Much as I welcome the break in Fide's stranglehold on world chess and the humili- ation of its autocratic president, it is tire- some to have to suffer Raymond Keene's......

Another Fine Mess

Sir: The fine for smoking on a London Transport bus is now £1,000. Under the sentencing guidelines issued recently, you can do the following (provid- ed you are not in an......

Fundamental Point

Sir: K. F. E. Daniel suggests (Letters, 11 December) that the correct name for the human fundament is neither ass, nor arse, but anus. Is this not a confusion of the hole with......

Shome Mistake, Ed

Sir: I suspect that a particularly enjoyable Spectator office party came between my article and the page last week (The God- parents boom', 18/25 December). The New York......