20 APRIL 1839, page 14

How To Serve Lord Normanby.

IT appears that for some time past a writer in the Weekly Chroni- cle has been pursuing what lie is pleased to term a "controversy" with the Spectator. We were not aware of it......

The T I Ieatres.

A Tricia seems to have fallen on the Theatres all of a sudden. On the heels of Drury's metamorphosis into a shilling concert—not that the entertainment is the worse for being......

The Melbourne-ministry "crisis " Division.

EXPLANATION OF THE TWO DIVISIONS AS INDICATED IN TILE TWO PARALLEL COLUMNS BELOW. No. 1. Sir ROBERT PEEL'S Amendment. Form of the Vote-That the original motion " stand part or......

Ministerial Neglect Of The Post-office Question.

PETITIONS are daily presented to Parliament for Post-office Re- form. Mr. ROWLAND Hues plan, recommended, after the most searching examination, by the Commons Committee, in the......