20 SEPTEMBER 1963, page 15

Sir,—as A Young Iranian Who Has Suffered Under The Shah's

ten years of dictatorship and who has lost his faith in any miracle to come out of this regime, I would like to thank and congratulate you for pub- lishing Mr. A: Beichman's......


(1) The idea that sex is inherently degraded and sinful is no part of Catholic doctrine. It is one of the oldest and most persistent of the heresies : the Church has opposed it......

Sir,—i Cannot Enter Into A Discussion With Mr. Julian Symons

on a subject of which he is utterly ignorant; i.e. poetry. London, N W3 EDITH SITWELL......

Sir,—as My Wife Is Petite She Has The Greatest Diffi-

culty in the world buying any clothes—except stretch panties—off the peg. So, we have a well- worn gag in our house that the clothing trade in Britain is run by people who have......

Stu,—it Is Very Nearly Impossible Fora Catholic Like...

married, at case with my Church, using the safe period with complete success for over two years, sexually rich and fulfilled (1 cannot, of course, prove this but it is obvious,......

Knock-out Sus,—i Was Pleased To Read Starbuck's Comments...

exciting final match of the first cricket knock-out competition. 'Apart from the West Indians,' he writes, 'nothing so encouraging has happened to English cricket for years.' He......

Catholics And Birth Control

SIR, — 'Catholic Parent' in your issue of September 13 is afraid that his mind is 'not fine or subtle enough to appreciate the distinction between taking a contraceptive pill......