20 SEPTEMBER 1963, page 8

Dog Nibbles Dog

The second novel by our dramatic critic David Pryce-Jones, The Sands of Summer, was pub- lished the other Friday. In the Sunday Times, Julian Jebb, giving it the lead, said that......

A Touch Of The Whip?

It looks as if there has been much activity lately on the part of that shadowy background body, the Board of Governors of the BBC. The Governors have generally been thought of......

Behind The Times

The Times survey of 'Britain Today,' con- ducted among the Who's Who-ers, certainly seems to justify the claim that 'Top people read The Times,' but some of its other......

Bucking The Bow Leonard Beaton, The Canadian-born...

at the Institute of Strategic Research, who convened the group, and his five co-authors seem to have taken full advantage of this some- what naïve procedure and got through to......

The Twilight Of The Thugs

By HUGH O'SHAUGHNESSY F OR a month now ex-General Marcos Perez Jimenez, former dictator of Venezuela, has been sitting in his comfortable air-conditioned cell in the fortress of......

Early Burgess

I had forgotten that sonic account of Guy Burgess appears in Paul Bloomfield's BBC (1941). Burgess, as a BBC trainee, appears here as a character called de Montmorency: a comic......

The Great Divide

I am told that a new chronology is now coming into use in the Civil Service : B.C.: Before Christine. A.D.: After Denning. STARRri K......

Diana Ye Hear Them?

Wednesday's burning of the British Embassy in Jakarta and Monday's demonstration to the skirl of bagpipes must have found Mr. Andrew Gilchrist, our ambassador, not entirely......

A Spectator's Notebook He Budding Conservative...

Bow Group have had a sharp lesson in the inconveniences of democracy. The Fabian Society's policy towards its publications is that the executive decides what shall be......