20 SEPTEMBER 1997, page 33

Sir: We Can Perhaps Be Grateful To Sarah Gainham For

her letter in your edition of 8 February since it promoted the Schlieffen correspondence in your columns, but her views on -German noble titles which you published on 6......

A Little Learning

Sir: Peter Jones's powerful excoriation of the administration system by which our uni- versities are now run ('Why I'm off, 13 September) does not tell the whole story. LETTERS......

Randolph's Malady

Sir: Dot Wordsworth calls Lord Randolph Churchill a 'syphilitic' (Mind your lan- guage, 6 September). Although when he died in 1895 his doctor stated he had been suffering from......

Schlieffen Redivivus

Sir: Mr Woodcock-Clarke (Letters, 13 September) wonders whether the French or the British really had no inkling of the Schlieffen Plan. Winston Churchill, in The World Crisis......

Point Of View

Sir: A number of British and German politicians have admired the article com- mending the area around the middle of Lake Como. We laud Paul Johnson's lyric writing about the......

Sir: Having Recently Graduated, I Must Applaud Peter...

his article ('Why I'm off, 13 September). I too was the vic- tim of administrative anarchists and over- crowded seminars. Fortunately, and thank- fully, I just missed......