21 AUGUST 1920, page 14

The Wine-bibber's Apology.

(To THE EDITOR OF ME " SPECTATOR.") Sm,—" Pure water is the best of gifts," &c., Mr. Walter A. Smith writes, is to be found in Songs and Verses, by Lord /sleeves. I have the......

A Rally Of Spiritual Forces. (to The Editor Of The

" SPECTATOR."] Sre,—Owing to its coincidence with the Polish crisis and the arrival of Dr. Men - nix, the remarkable appeal of the Primate for a reunion of all Christian......

Lady Burghclere's Prisoners Fund. (to Ells Editor Or The "

SPECTATOR.") 131B,—My fund for prisoners of war—Lady Burghclere'e Prisoners of War Fund—having now been finally wound up, the Committee desire to submit the following abstract......

War Graves In France. (to The Editor Or The "

SPECTATOR."] Sm,—Now that some of the military oemeteries in France have been reduced to order the question as to the mode of treating them assumes a new aspect. The cemetery......

Francis Q1jarles.

(To THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR.") Sue — May I point out that in his striking letter on " Trade Union Tyranny " in your issue of August 7th Captain Baird misquotes Francis......

The Chinese Astronomical Instruments At Potsdam.

ITo THE EDITOR OF THE " SPECTATOR."] SIR, —I may be allowed, perhaps, to add a few words to the letter which you kindly inserted in the Spectator of July 17th. Firstly, I......