21 AUGUST 1920, page 2

Mr. Boner Law Moved The Adjournment To October 19th, On

the understanding that the House might reassemble at any time if the public interest required it. He repudiated the suggestion that the Government's policy towards Poland had......

Lord Robert Cecil Forcibly Reminded The House That It Was

one thing to distrust the Government and another thing to suggest what was really a form of insurrection. If the Labour Party called a general strike, and the Government......

On Monday The " Council Of Action," Not Content With

trying to diotate to Great Britain, sent Mr. Adamson and Mr. Gosling to Paris in order to incite French workmen to Direct Action. The French Government courteously permitted......

Mr. Clynes Admitted That Mr. Boner Law's Speech Was Re-

assuring, but expressed suspicion of Mr. Churchill's newspaper articles which, he said, had done most to bring the " Council of Action " into existence. He complained of the......

Mr. J. H. Thomas, In Moving A Resolution In Favour

of the " Council of Action," explained that the trade unions transferred their executive responsibility, " if need be," to the " Council," and " clearly determined, if the......

When The House Of Commons Met On Monday, Mr. Lloyd

George was questioned about the Council of Action." Ho said that the Government's policy in regard to Poland and Russia appeared " to differ in no way " from that expounded at......

Mr. Lloyd George, Replying On Tuesday To M. Kameneff's Note,

pointed out that Great Britain had been solely concerned with the personal safety of General Wrangel's followers in the Crimea, and had had nothing to do with his offensive......

Two Greeks Of Ex-king Constantine's Party Tried To Murder M.

Venizelos at the Lyons railway station in Paris on Thursday week. The would-be assassins, named Tserapis and Kyrikis, fired on the Premier and hit him twice. Fortunately his......

On Tuesday The " Council Of Action " Tried To

minimize the wild threats which its members uttered last year. It announced that it would not call a general strike, but would organize partial strikes, if necessary, to prevent......

Mr. Lloyd George Regretted That The League Of Nations• Was

being used for party purposes. The Allies were not unanimous about Russia, and the League would be no more in agreement than the Supreme Council. Further, the Bolsheviks would......

The Self-appointed " Council Of Action " Held A Conference

In London on Friday week. Two-thirds of the persona present were trade union delegates ; one-third were Labour Party and trades council delegates. Mr. Adamson, who presided,......