21 AUGUST 1959, page 23

Sir,--you Naturally Emphasise The Friendly Charact E R Of...

Wakefield's criticism. I had thought of writing you a letter about Taper & Co., but if I had done so it would not have been in such polite terms,—Yours faithfully, GEORGE......

The Establishment Game P. J. D. Wiles The Devlin Report

. A. 1'. Chambers Con, or Lab.? Dr. J. Shael,le ton Bailey, R. E. Martin Mrs. Audrey Harvey, George Sheriff Film Finance Nicholas. Davenport John Oliver Hobbes Graham Greene The......

S1r,—i Have Read ,carefully The Leader In This Week's Number

and agree entirely with its general claim that those who occupy positions' of responsibility in the sphere of government are properly open to criticism on their decisions and on......

Con. Or Lab.?

SIR,—You would perhaps be entitled to claim that your recent unveiled hostility to the Conservative Party has been' well earned by its leaders. More- over, your readers might......

The Devlin Report

SIR,—That the Government of Nyasaland had to act or abdicate is agreed between Mr. Justice Devlin and Sir Robert Armitage, and this is surely the essence of the matter.......

Sir,—taper Calls The Housing Achievements Of The...

constructive.' Certainly to have pretty nearly halved the rate of council building in the last five years is a notable achievement. Of course it can be argued that during the......