21 AUGUST 1959, page 7

The Vicroftian Gas Lamp-posts In Many Chelsea Streets Are...

replaced with modern electric standards, despite John Betjeman and 'Outrage.' The new lamps are out' of proportion to the houses and streets they will serve--the worst form of......

I Have Been Castigated By Dr. Robert Mccurdy For Accepting

the evidence of Sir Ronald Fisher and others that smoking is not the cause of lung cancer, in spite of the fact that Dr. McCurdy has demolished their case in his book Smoking,......

I Shall Be Surprised, Though, If The Establish- Diem Does

not take another drubbing in the City Over Harrods, as it did a few months ago over Ilritish Aluminium. My first reaction to the news that the House of Fraser had made a......

Westminster Commentary

LAS - I week I was reviewing the reasons for voting Conservative at the next election. I found so many that I frightened myself half to death in the process, and some 6i my more......

I Credited World's Press News With Being The First To

report that during the ink dispute the national newspapers were allowed by the unions to get their ink from abroad—though the unions would not allow periodicals to be printed......

Bernard Shaw Was Fond Of Pretending To Be A Plagiarist,

claiming that he took his characters from Dickens and his long speeches from Moliere. I do not, however, remember ever seeing him admit to being influenced by Ethel Turner. Miss......

I See That The First Of The Irish Brigade To

inspect the Casement Diaries promptly put in an interim report to the effect that he believes them to be forgeries; but as he had only examined the early Congo diaries, which......

A Spectator's Notebook

I WAS PUZZLED by Lord Boothby's assertion on the BBC's agreeable Tonight pro- gramme that Lord Beaver- brook is the only man in this country 'who has ever suc- cessfully......