21 DECEMBER 1929, page 14

Favoured Roots.

it is remarkable that the popularity of the sugar-beet is not withdrawing support from the mangold. In Denmark the increase in root-growing is one of the surprises of recent......

Two Established Flowers.

In the garden of a famous county house I saw last week a great quantity of the two flowers brought over from the Far East a few years ago by Mr. Ward. The charms of both have......

More Milk.

Not once but many times the National Farmers' Union has- been criticized, if not abused, for deserting the Milk Publicity campaigners. There was a good chance of a fruitful......

Irish Game.

A parliamentary debate on the preservation of game in the South Irish Parliament was interesting in itself and produced a number of surprising statements about natural history.......

Country Life

A NEW WOOD PRESERVER By a happy coincidence the formation of the new association for preserving timber (discussed in this place last week) coincides with news of an invention......

The Farmers' Friend.

During a visit to the Huntingdonshire fen land -last week I saw both on road and rail a great many tons of sugar beet. It was the crop of the moment, and is beginning to be......

A New Bean.

The Brobdingnagian roots, when piled into a facade, make a satisfying spectacle at most Christmas shows ; but in botanical interest they yielded at Smithfield to the display of......

The Same Cry About The Disappearance Of Game Birds,...

the partridge, is heard in the Isle of Man, where it has even been suggested that public bodies should encourage, and presumably pay for, the introduction of Hungarian birds.......