21 JUNE 1902, page 14

Tolerance And Intolerance.

[TO TRH EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR:'J Sin,—In your issue of June 7th you express satisfaction that a Middlesex jury should by a recent verdict have given so excellent a lesson in......

Is France Radical

[TO THE EDITOR OF THR "SPECTLTOR.1 SIR,—" Neque Tyrannum, neque Libertatem pati possunt," was Caesar's dictum as to the Gauls. If this is the fact to-day, does that answer your......

[to The Editor Op The "spectator:1 Sir,—i Am Glad To

find the Spectator of June 14th sticking up for a certain amount of freedom in the English language. Surely the use of the word "expect" is an instance of ellipsis. Thus the......

The Word "expect."

[TO THE EDITOR OF TRH " spEcTATort."1 rejoice to see Mr. Clapp's letter in the Spectator of June 14th about the wrong use of the word "expect." But the employment of it with a......

Rro The Editor Of The "spectator.") Sir, — In The...

June 14th you say : "Thousands of good Churchmen, who would never abandon the designation ' Catholic' as the exclusive designation of the Roman Com- munion." I take it that you......

The Horror Of Home.

[To THE EDITOR 07 THE "SPECTATOR:1 Srn,—May I make a comment on two statements, both of which seem to me to labour under a serious error of judgment, in the article, "The Horror......