21 JUNE 1902, page 26

We Welcome The First Number, Or, To Be More Precise,

a "special Imperial issue," of a new humorous illustrated penny weekly, for which the appropriate title John Ball has been revived. Many of the contributions, which are of the......

The Rise Of Religious Liberty In America. By Sanford A.

Cobb, (Macmillan and Co. 17s. net.)—There is much that is sound and useful in Mr. Cobb's second chapter, entitled "The Old World Idea," and giving a continuous account of the......

The Words Of Jesus. By Gustav Dahnan. Authorised English...

by D. M. Kay, B.D. (T. and T. Clark. 7s. 6d.)—Professor Dalman's contention is that our Lord spoke Aramaic, and that consequently in estimating the Greek documents which are now......

Songs Of England's Glory. (isbister And Co. 38. 6d. Net.)—

This is a pretty little book bound in Royal blue, and containing a selection of some eighty poems, most of them well known, though others have yet to win their way to a large......

Books On The Coronation Continue, Of Course, To Appear. Much

pains, we doubt not, have been spent on The Coronation Book, by Jocelyn H. T. Perkins, M.A. (Isbister and Co., 10s. 6d. net), who, as Sacrist of Westminster Abbey, may be......

Some Books Of The Week.

[Under this heading are notiee such Boots of the week as have not been reserved for review in other forms.] We have received a popular edition of The Rise of Welliagton, by Earl......

London : Historic And Social. By Claude De La Roche

Francis. 2 vols. (H. T. Coates, Philadelphia.)—We cannot give praise too high to Mr. Francis for the pains which he has taken in putting together these two volumes. They are an......