21 JUNE 1913, page 18


SOME SMALLER' EXHIBITIONS. THE exhibitions in the art dealers' galleries are of more than usual interest this season. Lack of space makes it impossible to write here with any......

[tcr Rat Exams Or Ran Ofirscrasol".1 Sra,--i Wan Much...

in the suggestions .made for an inscription for the proposed monument to Sir John Moore. Everyone knows about Moore. Why P Surely from Wolfe's immortal lines on his death and......


PETER. . (A Kitten-Buried of Bea.) NOT in a garden of rose and lily Where the bee and the blackbird play, Not in a cloistered crypt and:chilly Under the minster grey; But -......

• "communicated," The- Editor Must Not Necessarily Te...

te in -agroestuntt with the views: therein expressed or with the mode of expression. In such instances . , or in the case of "Letters to the . Editor," insertion only_tneans -......

_the Commons Preservation Society • Fund.

'[Cheques should be addressed to the Spectator, 1 Wellington ''Street, Strand; - London, W.C., and made payable to the Spectator and crossed " Barclay and Co., Gosling's Branch,......