22 APRIL 1966, page 3

A Dutchman And His Wife Were Banned From Attending Church

for the sin of buying a tele- vision set, it was denied that Mrs Jacqueline Kennedy is to become engaged to the Spanish Ambassador to the Vatican, and Miss Barbra Streisand......

Portrait Of The Week

ON MONDAY the new Members began swearing in, Dr Horace King was re-elected Speaker and on Thursday the Queen opened the new ses- sion, the sixteenth of her reign. The Leader of......

Mr Ian Smith Made A Dawn Broadcast In Rhodesia Admitting

that there was no immedi- ate prospect of receiving oil through Beira and announcing the closure of the residual British mission in Salisbury. Rhodesia, however, con- tinued to......

Creeping Devaluation

I T is widely supposed that the present Government, whatever mistakes it may make in the management of the nation's finances, is at least trying to run the eco- nomy in a new......

*ma - Tot Friday April 22 1966
