22 DECEMBER 1950, page 14

Country Life

MucH has been said and written in public lately about the felling of big trees in the English hedgerows. Such trees are usually elm and oak, for where roads are bordered by......

Into The Garden Nor Is There Much Virtue In Doing

so while the snow lies. All pruning is done, the lawns have been cut and edges trimmed, and most of the beds dug. What a joy it is to contemplate that tidied bareness,......

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An Act Of Cruelty I Feel Particularly Sore About This

because of a personal bereavement. At the bottom of the hill below my house the lane curves round a dell where sand used to be excavated. The farm, which occupies the whole......

The Coming Of The Snow

Here, of course, the Cockney sentimentalist again emerges in this column, for what townsman, even though he may have been self-exiled in the country for over a quarter of a......