22 DECEMBER 1950, page 28

The Word " Genius " Is So Provocative And Imprecise—the

claim is so large and in its application so susceptible to the vagaries of a personal opinion—that it seems rather a pity that the term has been used as a feconunendation on the......

A Treasury Of Russian Spirituality. Compiled And Edited...

P. Fedotov. (Sheed and Ward. 2s.) BOTH secular literature and sectarian writings have been excluded from the field of thi§ anthology of Russian—that is, Russian Ortho-......

The Cornhill Magazine: Winter 1950-1951. (john Murray....

Tins is a particularly good issue of the best of our literary maga- zines. Mr: Peter Quennell, who himself contributes an essay on Sicilian temples, has brought together short......

Shorter Notices

Everyman's Encyclopaedia. Third Edition, edited by Athelstan WITH the appearance of the two final volumes of Everyman's Encyclopaedia, Messrs. Dent have completed a thorough......

Lottie And Lisa. By Erich Kastner. (cape. 7s. 6d.)

ERICH KASTNER, author of Emil and the Detectives (now nineteen years old), has written another excellent, and sometimes ironic, children's story. It has been admirably......

Fiction .

MR. SID CHAPLIN'S short novel succeeds almost entirely in its ai It takes us down a coalmine and - us there for one shift onl making us share not only the pysical sensation l......