22 MARCH 1963, page 16

Estate Agents Bill

SIR,— Leslie Adrian finds it odd that the reputable independent agencies are fighting this Bill. He would not find it so odd if he had not- been misled by its sponsors about its......

Sra,—if There Must Be A Tax On Capital With Con-

sequent disincentive to thrift, is it not rather ridiculous to call £20,000 'wealth'? I suppose that £20,000 today equals about £5,000-£6,000 in 1939, and I can assure you that......

Fifty Thousand Abortions

SIR,—The prospect of bearing a probable or even possibly deformed child after taking certain drugs or an attack of German measles during the early weeks is obviously so......

Checking The Liberals Have Noted Recently A Number Of Your

cor- respondents falling into the same complacent error as Angus Maude does (Spectator, March 15), in say- ing that 'the Liberal revival has been clearly, and perhaps fatally,......

Uneasy Alliance

SIR,—If Mr. Critchley's article on the Uneasy Alliance is an example of the 'wisdom' lacked by the US Administration, it is fortunate that the Admin- istration has intelligence......

The 'wealth' Tax

SIR,—I am surprised Mr. Davenport should have come out in support of an annual capital levy after such a superficial examination of the proposals. In Sweden unearned income is......