22 NOVEMBER 1873, page 15

Two Epigrams.

[TO THB EDITOR OF TIM " SPECTATOR."] SIR,—Did you ever see Cowper': epitaph on, Lord Holland ?— Whoever this casket unlocks, Of its tenant may truthfully sap He doubled with......


AUTUMN. ON the red autumn leaves I ride, While, parting from the half-stripped trees, The flakes of gold and amber glide And float on the November breeze. The larches' hair is......

Mr. Bourdillon's "light."

(TO THE EDITOR OF THB " SPBOTATOR.") &Ili—May I offer a " reply " in prose to Mr. Bourdillon's poem? "The bright world" has two hemispheres. If "the light of " some very......

Vignettes In Rhyme,

MR. LOCKER has here found a rival, and a formidable one. It is not for the first time in this book that we have admired the grace and skill of Mr. Austin Dobson's verse. Many of......

(to The Entton 01 Senarkrott.1

Six, In your impression of the 15th inst. the following paragraph occurs in your review of the "Fair Haven," by Mr. Samuel Butler :—" Finally, be [Mr. Butler] points out the......

The "fair Haven."

[TO TRH EDITOR OF THB " SPEATATOR.1 SIR,—While admitting that it is one of the first duties of a writer - not to fall foul of his reviewers, so long as they confine themselves.......