23 APRIL 2005, page 22

China Is Still A Tyranny

From Jonathan Mirsky Sir: As usual Mark Steyn makes some good points, this time in his piece on globalisation (‘The sovereign individual’, 16 April). But he is mistaken in his......

From Claire Melamed

Sir: Mark Steyn accuses Christian Aid of being comprised of ‘condescending neoimperialists’ on the basis of some vague assertions, a bit of anecdotal evidence and some slightly......

A Truly Liberal Party

From Dr Chris Scanlan Sir: Your claim that the Liberal Democrats are a bunch of ‘confused bossyboots’ whose only ambition is ‘to bleed the rich’ is extraordinarily misleading......

Titian: Art Or Porn?

From Rory Mulchrone Sir: Roger Scruton draws a distinction between ‘the naked and the nude’, implies one between pornography and art, and illustrates these subtleties by......