23 JANUARY 1942, page 13

Country Life

AN agreeable amusement if the ground is ever covered with snow is the study of spores or slots. They disclose much that may be un- expected. One day this century, for example, I......

Post-war Homes

SIR, —In her letter published in The Spectator of January 16th, Mr. Evelyn Munro refers to the lack of precautions taken by Bring] architects against creezing pipes I have......

Greedy Squirrels

An old-fashioned garden at the edge of a rather town-like village is inhabited by a too-flourishing family of grey squirrels. They are too pretty and engaging to be disturbed by......

Authors And Charity

SIR, —Mr. St. John Ervine's protest against the custom of sponging on artists was long overdue. I get requests from all over the country, and it is quite the exception to get a......

Air-power And Sea-power

S1R, —The following statements, published in The Spectator in January, 1936, are, I think, worth repeating today: First, from an article, quoting the official report on some......


More Leys

Extremely, learned letters on the etymology of the word " Ley " and its earlier meaning continue to reach me. They are interesting, but omit the point of my complaint against......

S1r,—a Few Days Ago Mr. De Valera Delivered A Speech

at Navan in which he said " We will defend ourselves from attack from any quarter." But the people of Eire are not defending themselves; neither have they been doing it for many......

Neutrality Of Eire Six,—it Seems Agreed That Southern...

the weakest link in the chain of fortresses against Totalitarianism. Eire has always looked towards U.S.A. for salvation—if something is not done soon some of the Irish poor......

In The Garden When Frost Or Snow Brings Work In

the garden almost to a stand- still it is a frequent habit to spend the vacant hours in cutting off the dead shoots of catmint s michaelmas daisy, or what not. This seems to me......