23 MARCH 1907, page 15

[to The Editor Of The .4 Sp Lict&tois.1 Ste, — There Is

a peculiar aptness with which the old metaphor of the ship of State may be applied to the insistent question of women's suffrage. The sea-ship and the State-ship are both......

The Comprehensiireness Of The Church Of England.

pro THE EDITOR Or THE SPECTATOR:I SIR,—Whether or not it be a gain to a Church to be "com- prehensive" is a matter upon which much may be said; but it is doubtful if facts......

[to The Enrroa Or The Sesotator."1

Sin,—May I refer your correspondents (Spectator, March 16th) to the rubric which follows the ministration of baptism to such as are of riper years "It is expedient that every......

[to Xas Sorrel, Or Tax - Srscr.wor4"7 Si,—in Your Last Issue

you honour the question of women's suffrage by devoting your first article to the subject. _After the usual compliments, you say that you would deny political power to women......

Democratic Worship And The Church Of England.

[To THE EDITOR os sas "Spam . ..mm.1 Sin—In your article of March 2nd on the Diseatablishment of the Church of England you claim that the Establishment is democratic. May I......