23 MARCH 1907, page 17


THE PALE WORKER (Ma Marcum APRITER). (From the Yiddish of Morris Rosenfeld.) LO I yonder I see the pale worker, Stitch, stitch, without pause, without stay, Since first I......


THE AGE OF SPENSER.* M. JUSBERAND compares the Elizabethan age to one of those forests in the old romances of chivalry, "where errants met, and parted, and met again, losing......

An Attentive Congregation. Pro Tim Editob Op Tel...

Stn,—What the reviewer of Mr. Tabez Balfour's book in last week's Spectator heard from a prison chaplain about a congre- gation of convicts reminds me of an experience of my......

Aubblsh In Country Districts.

[To run Burros or nue SPIWILTOR*1 Sra,—I should be glad if any of your readers could inform one as to whether there is any body responsible for the removal and disposal of......