23 NOVEMBER 1912, page 13

[to Ter Editor Of Ter "spectator. " ] Sin,—" 0. B. G."

asks what can be done for fellows in his position, that is to say, men able and well qualified to join the Territorial Force but for the fact that they say "I won't "? May I......


[To Taw EDITOR Or TIER ''SPROTATOR.,") Sin,—Nob since 1903, when Mr. Chamberlain first advocated a complete reversal of England's fiscal policy, have the prospects of the......

[to Tim Editor 01 The "spectator:1 Six,—last Year You Were

kind enough to insert a letter from me drawing attention to the necessity of the National Reserve being provided with a uniform if they were to be expected to fight in case of......

The National Reserve.

[To TIER EDITOR or TER " SPECTATOR:1 Sra,—Allow me to congratulate you on your public-spirited action in taking up the cudgels on behalf of the National Reserve. It is really......

Snap Divisions.

[To THE EDITOR OP TH1 "SPECTATOR.n Six,—In your leading article last week upon the Parlia- mentary crisis produced by the division upon Sir Frederick Banbury's amendment you......