23 NOVEMBER 1912, page 12

Lto Thr Editor Or Ran " Spnctator.”.1 Sib,—as One Who,

during a period of more than seven years, has lived in practically all the big cities of Brazil and also up country, 1 desire to protest against the letter of Mr. Ormsby-Gore......

[to Thr Editor Of Tee " Arscrwros."]

Sra,—I am glad to see from the letter of Mr. Seymour Ormsby-Gore in your last week's issue that the settlement of Germany in South America is not entirely deprecated by British......

Letters To The Editor.

BRAZIL AND COMPENSATION TO GERMANY. [To rex EDITOR OP TIM "SPECTATOR. "] SIR, - It was with considerable displeasure, but not without some degree of amusement, that I read the......

The National Reserve.

[To TIER EDITOR or TER " SPECTATOR:1 Sra,—Allow me to congratulate you on your public-spirited action in taking up the cudgels on behalf of the National Reserve. It is really......

[to Try Editor Or Tier "srscriras."]

Sin,—Your correspondent writing on this subject expresses a hope, in which we can all join, that the Powers will come to an amicable agreement on questions which may arise on......