24 DECEMBER 1948, page 2

Breakdown In Indonesia.

It is, of course, deplorable that fighting should have broken out again in Indonesia, and nobody would deplore the turn which events have taken more than the Dutch themselves.......

The French Budget.

It is not possible to say that France is facing the budget, for everyone except a few leaders of the Radical party is resolutely facing in the opposite direction. M. Queuille......

Barred Till 16

The Minister of Education made no very strong case, in the course of the adjournment debate last week, for his Circular i68, forbidding boys (or girls) to take the new General......

Flying—at A Price.

Between April and September of this year, the three British air line corporations lost money at a rate slightly below L8,000,000 a year. In the previous financial year they had......

The Church And The Native

The South African bishops have done the Church as well as the State a notable service in the statement they have issued on the racial discrimination which the late Jan Hofmeyr......