24 JANUARY 1970, page 24

Christmas Quiz

Sir: Your Christmas quiz (27 December) gave Malaysia as one of the federations associated with the British Empire, with the Malay States as an extra point. The Federa- tion of......

Winter Fuel

Sir: Sitting by a blazing log fire on Boxing Day, I read with piquant interest the remarks in 'Spectator's notebook' (27 December) about the demise of the Yule Log; about the......

Nothing To Declare

Sir: With reference to Mr Auberon Waugh's article in your issue of 3 January, I must point out that on no occasion has Mr John Cordle ever issued a letter to the press from this......


Wally and Ted JOHN WELLS It was in 1936 that Ted Windsor, a simple, unassuming Cockney, made the decision of a lifetime. Faced with the hair-raising choice of catching the post......