24 SEPTEMBER 1898, page 2

The Emperor Of China Has Woke Up, And Has So

frightened the officials that his legal "mother," the Empress Dowager, has sent him to bed again. He issued, without consulting Ins Councillors, decrees establishing a post,......

It Is Stated With A Certain Authority That Great Britain

has agreed to a common plan for watching and expelling Anarchists, thus in practice driving them from Europe. We do not believe it. That Lord Salisbury has replied appre-......

There Appears To Be Real Danger Of A War Between

Chili and the Argentine Republic. They have been quarrelling for years, the Chilians claiming under the last Treaty some large, high valleys in the Andes, and the Argentines......

The Position In The Philippines Appears To Be This. The

insurgents are masters in most of the islands, and in the in- terior of Luzon, but have no particular purpose except to be free of Spain. They have "elected," or at least got......

The Sovereigns Are Learning To Write. The Czar's Mani- Festo

in favour of peace was admirably worded, and had a note in it of real personal feeling. The Proclamations of the young Queen of Holland, which she is said to have written......

The United Service Magazine For September Contains An ,...

of anecdotes illustrating the fitchting temper of the American sailor. The keynote of Admiral Dewey's- character "is found in his battle-signal, Keep cool and obey orders.'" He......

In Thurday'a Times Sir William Harcourt Contributes A...

on "The Position of the Bishops." Though the words are apparently as strong as ever, it is pretty clear that reflection has shown the leader of the Opposition that there is not......