24 SEPTEMBER 1898, page 3

In A Letter To Wednesday's Times" A Canon Residentiary "

agrees that the life and soul of the Church of England lies in its being comprehensive, but be wants to know how far com- prehension is to extend. That is, on the face of it, a......

We Note That In The Daily News Of Wednesday Mr.

Kensit is reported to have said in a recent address that "there would be work for Oliver Cromwells before many years were over." Mr. Kensit's words and deeds incline us to......

We Regret To See The Great Figures Of The Victorian

Era pass one by one away. Sir George Grey, who died on Monday evening at the great age of eighty-six, was never of importance in English politics ; but he was one of the ablest......

The Election At Darlington Has Resulted In The Return Of

the Liberal Unionist candidate, Mr. Pease, by a majority of 688. Mr. Pike Pease polled 3,497 votes, and Mr. Owen Phillips 2,809. In 1895 the Unionist majority was 657, and in......

The Daily Chronicle Of Friday Contains A Leading Article On

the subject of redistribution. The conclusion of the article is that redistribation, if carried out arithmetically in the three kingdoms, would produce a loss of Unionist seats,......

The Special Correspondents Of The Newspapers Usually...

sometimes most effectively, but they have rarely been consummate artists in words. The Daily Mail has, however, found a man of that kind, Mr. G. W. Steevens, whose description......

Monday's Times Contains A Very Interesting Extract From A...

letter addressed by the Bishop of Gibraltar to the English congregations under his charge. In the portion 'which deals with private confession the Bishop states plainly that the......

A Correspondent Of The Times, Mr. Roger Smith, Writing In

last Saturday's paper, asks whether the problem of the better housing of people in the country could not be solved by using a cheaper material for cottages. Why not, he asks,......

Bank Rate, 3 Per Cent. New Consols (2-d Were On

Friday, 109l. is......