25 FEBRUARY 1893, page 1

On Friday Week The Debate On The First Reading Of

the Home. rule Bill was brought to a conclusion by speeches of which the most remarkable were Mr. Chamberlain's, Mr. Blake's, Mr. Courtney's, Mr. Goschen's, and Mr. Morley's,......

News Of The Week.

O WING to the great authority conceded to the Speakers of the two French Chambers, it has often been said that France is governed by a trinity of Presidents,—of the Republic, of......

Iyt The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript, In...


A New Party Is Said To Be Forming Itself In

Germany,. whioh 18 expected greatly to influence politics. The squires, farmers, and small freeholders, especially in Prussia, are greatly irri- t ated by the low prices, which......

The Union Between Sweden And Norway Is In Great Danger

of being broken. The two States are far more loosely tied together than Britain and Ireland will be under the Home-rule Bill ; but the Norwegians are impatient of their slight......

Mr. Blake's Reply To Mr. Chamberlain Seems To Have Pleased

the Gladstonians, but vaguer rhetoric we never read. Mr. Blake's Canadian experience did not furnish him with one effective reply to Mr. Chamberlain's demonstration that the......