25 FEBRUARY 1893, page 24

Holiday Wanderings In Madeira. By A. E. W. Mason. (samp-

son Low, Marston, and Co.)—This is a lively and readable account of the pleasures and pains of travel in Madeira, of the picturesque scenery, the inconveniences of the inns, the......

A Geraldine. By Richard Ashe King. 2 Vols. (ward And

Downey.)—This is an Irish story of the present time, told from the Nationalist point of view. The landlords are oppressive, and the constabulary brutal. The hero of the story is......

Clarke Aspinalt: A Itiograpky, By Walter Lewin. (edward...

Clarke Aspinall was not widely known outside a comparatively narrow circle ; but during the whole of his adult life, he was one of the most prominent citizens of Liverpool, and......

'twist Wood And See. By Elizabeth Godfrey. 3 Vols. (chap-

man and Hall.)—A first novel, which this seems to be, is pretty certain to be marred by the faults which come of inexperience in narrative construction, and they are tolerably......

Mind Humanity : A Story Of Camp-life In South Africa.

By J. R. Coupes. Illustrated by Irving Montagu. (Allen and Co.)—In the preface to this remarkable book the author states that one phase of his hero's career has its origin in......

Charles Knight: A Sketch. By His Grand-daughter, Alice A.

Clowes. (Bentley.)—This volume has no doubt been written with the best intentions; but good intentions do not make a good book, and there is very little information contained in......

The Oregon Trail. By Francis Parkman. (macmillau.)—this...

edition of a well-known book, first published five- and-forty years ago. The West, as the author remarks, has mar- vellously changed since that time. The buffalo and the wolf......