25 JULY 1998, page 25

Dark Purpose

Sir: In spite of Alfred Sherman's cautious attempts to make it appear innocuous (Books, 11 July), Mark Mazower's book Dark Continent is a Marxist-Stalinist tract. It is also......

Letters Don't Count Your Nations

Sir: I know Matthew Parris (Another voice, 18 July) feels very bitter about all things British (to grow up in Eoka-era Cyprus and reach adulthood as a Rhodesian must have been a......

Latin Lessons

Sir: Mr Vines may have paid attention in his Latin lessons, even enjoyed them (Letters, 4 July). While considering myself reasonably educated, I have to admit that I and many......

Sir: The Translation Of Latin Tags Pales Into...

your use of 'media' as a singular noun. 'The American media, says Mark Steyn, is [sic] instinctively protective . . . ' (`The rude truth', 4 July). To his credit, Mr Steyn,......