25 MAY 1895, page 1

The Warwick And Leamington Election Is Very Creditable To...

loyalty of the Conservatives. They must have voted solid for Mr. Lyttelton, in spite of their disappointment at not being able to return Mr. Nelson, or they could hardly have......

11* ** The Editors Cannot Undertake To Return Manuscript,...


On Monday The Government Majorities On The Welsh...

fell to 10, 18, 14, 9, and 13, and on Mr. Healy's Irish educational motion, Mr. John Morley (in a very thin House) obtained only a majority of 5. On Tuesday the Government......

The French Chamber Has Elected Its Budget Committee For The

Session, and it consists of sixteen Moderates, sixteen Radicals, and one Socialist. It is believed that this result will be fatal to the Government, for the Radicals are deter-......

The American Government Has Performed An Act Of...

towards that of Great Britain. Admiral Meade, in command of the American squadron off Nicaragua, it appears, expressed publicly his regret that he had no instruc- tions from his......

News Of The Week.

T HERE is no fresh news from Japan ; but it is evident, as we have all along maintained, that the readiness of Japan to " surrender " to Europe has been greatly exaggerated. The......

On Monday Sir William Harcourt's Ambiguous Answer As To...

business, and especially as to the Crofters' Bill, brought on a little one-act melodrama, in which Dr. Mac- Gregor, the Crofters' representative for Inverness-shire, took leave......