25 MAY 1895, page 3

The Majority Of The Committee On The Vacating Of Seats

baying in effect reported that the succession to a peerage per se vacates a seat in the House of Commons, and the Selbome Committee having also reported that Lord Wolmer had......

We Do Not Quite Know Why So Much Attention Should

te- paid to the opinions which M. Daudet is expressing abon. England. He is a novelist, not a thinker ; he has neve.. been in England before, and he does not know English. Hia......

Bank Rate, 2 Per Cent.

New Console (21,) were on Friday, 100.......

Florence Was Greatly Alarmed By An Earthquake At 9 P.m.

on May 18th, which, though it did not throw down buildings in the city, destroyed many in the neighbouring villages. In one place a church fell in upon the worshippers, crushing......

Sir William Harcourt Was Entertained At The Mansion House On

Wednesday, and made an optimistic speech. His main drift, of which we have said enough elsewhere, was that the fiscal and economic policy of the last fifty years had been a......

On Tuesday The London County Council Debated The Ques- Tion

of Unification. Lord Farrer defended the Report of the Commission in a very moderate speech. He believed that the taking over the duties of the Corporation would not increase......

The Supreme Court Of The United States Has Struck Some

millions a year out of the Budget. That is to Bay, the -Judges, by a vote of 5 to 4, declared that any Income-tax whatever is unconstitutional "unless apportioned accord- ing to......

The Struggle To Remonetise Silver Is Still Advancing....

from the Union announces that the fight for the Presidency will rage around this pivot, and associations are being formed all over America to urge that silver be legal tender to......