26 APRIL 1930, page 15

A Jackdaws' Raid.

Many people hold that the jackdaw is tha cleverest. of all birds. They will find support for their belief in the following authentic instance from the experience of a retired......

This Was More Than The Owner Could Endure. He Fetched

his gun and shot the jackdaw, who by this time had emerged from his chimney, where he had presumably disposed of his bunch of feathers. Whether that bird was the ring- leader or......

A A' '" 'a A The Motor Vandal.

It is a rather melancholy fact that the damaged trees and the gaps in the trees are due in many cases, not to the neglect that Mi. Guy Dawber deplores, but to aimless vandalism.......

Country Life

WATCH THE ROAD. Most holidays nowadays are spent in part, if not wholly, along the roads ; and some holiday-makers at' any rate did not travel so fast that they were unable. to......

* A * * A Golfing Spaniel.

A spaniel of mine usually accompanies me to the golf links, and seems to have a very fair idea of the game—knows the order of the holes and never touches the ball, though he......

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THE SWEET 0' THE YEAR. Easter fell perhaps a week, but little more, before the English countryside was at its best. Spring is late ; but even in late years April, not May, may......

Milk For The Million.

Something like genius has marked the recent activities of the Milk Publicity Council. The ingenious little containers. supplied for schoolchildren have done more than increase......

A Death Chamber.

• In a neighbour's garden stood a large sycamore some one hundred and fifty years old. The top was blown off in a gale two years ago and a round hole, such as a woodpecker might......