26 JUNE 1953, page 28

Deutschland, Deutschland'

MOST humorists achieve their effect by exaggeration, by extravagance, and by absurdity. Georges Mikes' method is,just the opposite: he _produces funny sensations by sound good......

An Indignant Ingenue Approached Mr. Sydney Carroll After...

night in 1935. "You," she said, "are a menace to every young actress." Mr. Carroll enquired mildly what she meant. "You make too many Discoveries," she replied. The outburst had......

The Spectator Thin Pajer Edition Can Be Forwarded By Air

to any address in the world. SUBSCRIPTION RATES :- U.S.A. and Canada (Air Mail) £4 15s. Od. per annum. S. Africa (Air Express) £4 Os. Od. per annum. Rates to other parts of the......

Far Away And Long Ago

The Sinner of Saint Ambrose. By Robert Raynolds. (Secker & Warburg. 15s.) Or the three historical novels for review this week, the best is the one with the least promising......