26 JUNE 1953, page 20

Carrion Crows.

The carrion crow is about the most alert bird there is. To take him unawares requires stealth and cunning and, even when surprised, he seems to have something of the owl's soft......

Country Life

HAY-MAKING is one of the oldest processes of agriculture, for the cutting and drying of grass comes out of the distant past of the wooden plough. Modern research proves that it......

Ebe 6pectator, Yung 25t1j, 1853

THE great military display at the camp at Chobham, on Tuesday, proved a perfect success. So long as her Majesty remained on the ground, even the weather was propitious. . . All......

Memorial 'to Miss Strachey

SIR,—Many friends of Miss J. P. Strachey are anxious to commemorate her long and distinguished service to Newnham College as Fellow, Tutor and Principal, and her life-long......

Moorland Summer.

Ling has been out for quite a while but the heather will be a little time yet. Everywhere in the lower countryside summer is lush. The meadows are thick with the rising grass.......

Liquid Manure.

For a long time I had a large cistern in my garden and used it to ensure a supply of liquid manure which was made by suspending a sack of manure in rainwater. There is one......

Fund For Korean Children

SIR,—While the struggle in Korea continues to fill the headlines of th. world Press, those with imagination appreciate dimly what the conflic of these past tragic years has......

Humble Bees.

The humble bee came buzzing out of the hedge in front of my face and presently another of the same kind appeared too, and I concluded that there was a nest in the bank, although......