26 MAY 1950, page 14

Parting From A Cat

WHOEVER says farewell, Has, for acquaintance, Death: Small death, maybe, but still Of all things - dreaded most . Yesterday I lost An old, exacting friend Who for ten years had......


WHAT do they know of England who don't know their Gilbert and Sullivan and have not - watched an English audience at The Mikado ? It was after the lapse of very nearly the......


“ In a Lonely Place." (Odeon.)—....fie Deported." (Gaumont.) --A , Pride of Kentucky." (Carlton.) THE question how far artists may be excused eccentric behaviour which would not......

" Zbe Sippettator, Pr Fillap 25th, 1850 The Vote Of...

the expenses of works at the New Palace, for 1850-1, gave Mr. Osborne an opportunity to reventilate the question of the enormous difference between Mr. Barry's estimate (about......