26 MAY 1950, page 17

The Bengal Disturbances

S112, —The Spectator of March 31st writes; "The effective suppression by the Pakistan authorities in East Bengal of the communal disturbances which flared up in February,......

In The Wake Of Dr. Johnson

SIR,—The Dean of Canterbury in a recent speech at Brisbane seemed rather annoyed with a recent paragraph in the Spectaior. In a note in the Calcutta Statesman a few days ago......

Government In The Falklands

Snt,—My attention has recently been drawn to a letter from the Rev. R. G. R. Calvert in your issue of August 12th, 1949, on the subject of self-government in the Falkland......

Home Rule For Lincolnshire

Sru,—You have been good enough to afford many inches to the ventilation of Scotland's grievances and to her struggle for emancipation from the Westminster yoke. You will......