26 NOVEMBER 1898, page 15

Art In Our Towns.

[To THE EDITOR OF ras "SPECTATOR."] entirely agree with what you say in your interesting article on "Art in our Towns," in the Spectator of Novem- ber 19th, as to the culture......


THE DESTROYER. A DWARFISH thing of steel and fire ; My iron nerves obey The bidding of my crafty sire, Who drew me out of clay, And sent me forth, on paths unkrofl, To slay his......

The Sense Of Direction In Animals.

[TO THZ EDITOR OF THE • SFZCIATOIL.] • 80,—I read with interest Mr. J. M. Ritchie's letter on the above subject in the Spectator of October 8th, kindly lent me by a friend. The......

A Child's Book Of Saints.

[To THE EDITOR OF THE "SPECTATOR."] SIR,—In your notice of "A Child's Book of Saints" in the Spectator of November 5th, you query whether it be "a fact . ' that birds have......