26 NOVEMBER 1898, page 2

The Italian Government Is By No Means Out Of Its

financial difficulties. Signor Vacchelli, Minister of the Treasury, con- fessed on Wednesday, when introducing his Budget, that the surplus of D400,000 expected last year had......

Sir William Harcourt Contributes To Friday's Times...

astonishing letters on the Church question. This one headed "The Law v. the Priests," exhibits Erastianism rIO mad. Sir William Harcourt's great complaint is, of course that......

On Thursday Lord Rosebery, Speaking At A Meeting Held In

Edinburgh to consider the proposals for a Gladstone memorial, passed a glowing panegyric on Mr. Gladstone al a statesman and orator. "We have," said Lord Rosebery "the memory of......

At Birmingham On Friday, November 19th, Mr. Chamber....

at a meeting of the Court of Governors al Mason College, urged his hearers to make every effort tc raise the £200,000 which it is calculated are wanted tc enable the new......

In Edinburgh On Wednesday, Sir Michael Hicks-beach,...

mass meeting of Unionists, told his audience that he looked upon the prospects of any serious difficulty with France as much farther removed at the present moment than they had......

Mr. Asquith, Speaking At Sunderland On Wednesday, Neatly...

true policy in Africa, as in the Far East, as "not the policy of privilege or protection, not the poli o of discrimination or exclusion, but the policy of open riven open ports,......

On Monday Sir Henry Fowler Addressed His Constituents At...

After alluding to the vacancy in the leader- ship of the Liberal party, but without suggesting how it was to be filled, Sir Henry Fowler spoke in high praise of the conduct of......

Major Marchand Is Not, We Fear, Precisely The Kind Of

man he was supposed in England to be. He is a very brave and energetic explorer, and probably a good officer too, but he can on occasion be very French indeed. In a letter to a......