27 DECEMBER 1940, page 14

Free Trade Or Protection

Sm,—I am happy to reply to the letter of Mr. W. A. Wells, published in your issue of December loth, in regard to the deductions to be drawn from our export and re-export figures......


Sta,—Mr. Hewlett's perplexities over " ringing grooves of change" were solved in advance by the poet himself. In a note to the Eversley edition, Tennyson wrote: " When I went by......

Sir Walter And Napoleon

StR,—It should surely not be forgotten that Scott, in his Waterloo (1815) and Paul's Letters to His Kinsfolk, showed deep interest in the climax of the Napoleonic War. Also that......

Exploiting The Homeless

Sut,—" Janus " gives an all-too-common instance in which the price asked for certain property to a firm compelled to evacuate rose in a short time from £.9.a300 to a final......

Selective Evacuation

Sta,—Mrs. Williams-Ellis's plea in The Spectator of December 13th for " selective evacuation " deserves every encouragement. Her view that some of the machinery of evacuation......

Education In The Forces

SIR, —I should like to draw the attention of your readers to the question of education in the Forces. Doubtless many will have seen frequent references to this matter in the......

The Price Of Milk

SIR,—Your correspondent, Mr. R. H. Morgan, is concerned with facts about milk prices. Here are some for him. He may be able to remember, as many of us do, when milk was......

Terminological Exactitude

sut,—It is one of the drawbacks of the historical methods of Messrs. Graves and Hodge that instead of relying on their researches, one is forced to rely on memory. Unless my......