27 DECEMBER 1940, page 2

America Speeds-up

If it took some time even in Britain to get up full steam in the organisation of war industry, it is not surprising that in non-belligerent America there should be some delays......

Crisis At :vichy

The curtain has not, as these words are written, been raised on the drama which to all appearance is being enacted at Vichy. Various confident versions of what is happening......

The Cabinet Changes

No greater compliment could be paid to the United States than to send as Ambassador to Washington the man who has been Foreign Secretary for nearly three years, who is fully......

The Albanian Front

Circumstances could not be more unfavourable to an offensive than those which the Albanian mountains present now that winter has arrived in all its severity. The Italians in......

German Threats And America's Response

The statement of the German Foreign Office spokesman on Saturday that his Government would regard the handing over to Britain of German and other ships in American ports as " a......

Christian Peace Aims

The titular spokesmen of the Church of England and the Free Churches of this country have shown wisdom as well as broadmindedness in taking as the basis for their statement of......