27 NOVEMBER 1971, page 37

The Great Debate

Sir: October 28 was a day of great significance in the House of Commons. As in a play, to quote the negotiator-in-chief, MPs made their choice, and the combined efforts of......

Sir In A Nice Caricature Reproduced By The Figaro, You

represent Mr Heath offering Great Britain on Platter to the European imperialWs from Julius Caesar to Hitler. May I first state that I have several English friends, an English......

Confessions Wanted

From Professor Antony Flew Sir: It would be a pity if interest in Mr R. H. S. — Double — Crossman's bitter attack on his former colleague Mr Jenkins took all attention away from......

Race And Law

Sir: Congratulations on your decision to publish Louis Claiborne's article on 'Race Relations and the Role of Law' (November 13). By a happy coincidence I proposed a motion on......

Banish Gulliver

From Mrs R. A. Stubbs Sir: Please send Lemuel Gulliver's artist out in a boat with a pair of oars (October 30). You won't need to put an explosion of gunpowder behind him —......

Peter Hain Fund

Sir: Lord Avebury and Mr Nadir Dinshaw appeal (November 13) for contributions to the Peter Hain Fund on the ground that Mr HaM's activities in the 'Stop the '70 Tour' were a......

Sir: Lord Avebury Has Recently Been Sharply Reminded That...

cannot be slandered with impunity; he should be careful about traducing lawyers. So far as I know, Mr Francis Bennion, who has shown an admirable sense of public duty in......

Happy Retirement

Sir: Amidst the dismal news from all over the world there is one cheerful item for thousands of music lovers in the UK. The BBC's Controller of Music is retiring. His......

Critical Readers

Sir: Due to what appears to be a typographical mix-up Sir Oswald Mosley's views on the breakdown of the post-war economic system in the West appeared in somewhat garbled form in......

Sir: 'the Coalition Of Centre And Right-wing Labour Mps...

thankfully, retains its easy dominance' (The Spectator's Notebook, November 13). No doubt it does right to be thankful — but this, suspectfully, probably isn't what the Notebook......