27 OCTOBER 1973, page 5

North Sea Oil

Sir: Your correspondent Joel Cohen is less than fair to the Edinburgh financial community ('A fair share of the miracle': October 13). He is perfectlY correct when he says that......

Market And Marxism

Sir: Mr Stern's retort to my letter of October 13 on Marxism and the Common Market was as ungenerous as it w as pettyfogging. No one who supports British entry in to Europe......

Hightened Men

Mr Barber and his Cabinet c olleagues are obviously frightened men, It is only when you have reached the point of ultimate desperation that You accuse someone of being a ' frus,......

Impenitent Imperialism

Sir: John Vaizey who, in his article entitled ' Impenitent imperialism ' in your issue of October 13, wrote of the Empire in retrospect, might be interested to know of the......

Ekx4( Of Dust

Sir: With reference to the correspondence on the Book of Dzyan, I wonder if I might have some space to say something on the positive side, and on behalf of Mme Blavatsky. First,......

Irish Message

Sir: I note that you headlined my recent letter on the constitutional position of Northern Ireland with the words Irish Mess, as you headline all (or almost all) letters dealing......