27 SEPTEMBER 1986, page 22

The Right Article

Sir: The letters of Kingsley Amis and James Michie (6 and 13 September) re- mind me that I once tried in vain to defend `a les' to my French master on the grounds that `les' was......

Ordinary Policemen

Sir: As a serving police officer, may I comment on your editorial `Tickety Boo' (13 September)? The new fixed penalty procedure is hardly an 'increased power' in the sense in......

Byng Wrong

Sir: My old ship-mate Mr Byng is wrong to dispute with me (Letters, 20 September). First, the Bishop of Durham more than once, on our voyage together, attributed Lewis Carroll's......

Letters From The Marbles

Sir: May we be allowed, through the courtesy of your columns, to express our personal sentiments — smuggled out from our cell in the British Museum — concern- ing our ultimate......

Betjeman At School

Sir: In Roy Foster's review of Trevor West's biography of Horace Plunkett (23 August) it is stated that John Betjeman was one of his aides at 'the bizarre house he built at......

Christopher Fildes Is On His Way To The Imf And

World Bank meetings in Washington.......

The Spectator

SUBSCRIBE TODAY - At 20% off the Cover Price! Please enter a subscription to The Spectator I enclose my cheque for f (Equivalent $US & Eurocheques accepted) RATES: 12 Months 6......