28 APRIL 1894, page 18

Mr. Roby's Bill, Intended To Limit The Labour Of Coal-miners

to eight hours a day, calculated "from bank to bank," passed its second reading on Wednesday by a majority of 281 to 194, an addition of 10 to the majority of last year. The......

Mr. Courtney Spoke In The Drill Hall At Peterborough On

Wednesday, in favour of Dr. Purvis, the Unionist candidate for the city, and put strongly and effectively the reasons for supporting a Unionist. We very much regret, however, to......

A Terrible Agrarian Outrage Took Place In The County Cork

last Saturday. The victim was James Donovan, the caretaker of an evicted farm on the estate of Lord Cork. Donovan, occupied a portion of the house on the farm. In the other half......

On Thursday Night Mr. Asquith Unfolded The Government...

Welsh Disestablishment. The Bill is to affect the County of Monmouth as well as the legal Wales. These thirteen counties include twelve parishes belonging to English dioceses,......

Lord Rosebery, Who Is President Of The City Liberal Club ) .

—a club divided between Gladstonians and Liberal Unionists,. —took the chair on Tuesday at a house-dinner of the Club, and made a speech intended to reconcile, as far as......

The Fabrics Of The Parish Churches And Of The Vicarages

are to be handed over to the representative Church body which is to be created by the statute ; but the cathedrals, Bishop's palaces, and deaneries are to vest in the Commis-......

The Chancellor Of The Exchequer Is Steering His Budget...

safely through the rocks. He has conciliated the Irish by imposing the additional whisky-tax for a year only, and baffled the economists who laughed at him and pointed oat that......