28 NOVEMBER 1987, page 27

. . . Up In The Air

ONE welcome boost to values has been the opening of the 'City' airport (at West Ham or North Woolwich). This, I am told by the sage of the property market, Bruce Kin- loch,......

Guinness's Select Bar

THE City says that Felt Collars PLC will soon extend its activities in the Guinness affair — Felt Collars being the local euphemism for the Fraud Squad. I should not care to......

Culture And Anarchy

MY only regret at seeing Stanislas Yassu- kovich taking over at The Securities Asso- ciation is that I hoped he would be the next chairman of the Stock Exchange. Short of some......

Down In The Docks. . .

I WONDERED how soon the first crack in the house market would follow the crack in the stock market. Now we have the answer from Pilot Properties, which has been putting up a......

City And Suburban

The markets appeal from Ronald the President to Ronald the Governor CHRISTOPHER FILDES T he legal system under King Philip of Macedon provided for an appeal from Philip drunk to......